Monday, December 21, 2009

GOOD DESIGN. a peek into the Vancouver 2010 Graphic Design

Design is one that inspires me. A GRT DESIGN SELLS. past 12 yrs in advertising and Communication design i strongly belive that a right design really sells. it doesn't fail. it depends on us how we do it and sell it. how could design in europe and america be extremely trendsetting and acceptable. why not in india. are we back? not at all. its a great country with rich culture, traditions, architecture, art, colors and designs. just we are not able to learn and give it back to the society in the right manner.

just look at this graphic design collateral for Vancouver 2010 Games. its grt.

Last week, the full look for the Vancouver 2010 Winter Games was unveiled, from the sport pictograms to the colour palette. Without boring you with too much commentary, we’ll let you dive right into a wide selection of original illustrations, brilliantly-chosen textures and colours, and a brand that’s filled with style and personality.


Sports Pictograms

Colour Pallette

Could this be one of the best graphic identities in Olympic history? Leave your thoughts below. How do we fare against China? Better than Montreal ‘76? Worse the London 2012? The designs haven’t quite had the time to say hello to the world yet, but at first blink, this brand makes me proud to be Canadian. What are your thoughts?

just send your comments on this

1 comment:

  1. This video is simply great. This is real task. Taking from moods of nature moods of color and applying on the theme using graphic elements on it and making total companying wow. As designer i am happy to watch this and we should be Lerner always thank you.

    Suresh kumar
